do not fight with a bull [going up] or chase a bear [going down] ..!
ride a bull, even ride a bear, if you can; but for your own sake, please don’t fight a bear ..!
statistically, stock markets go up 75% of the time; so, even a monkey can throw darts and make money … hence if you are losing money in the market over a long period of time, your behavior is worse than a monkey [in terms of jumping from a branch to another]
wildebeests have the worst herd mentality imaginable .. no matter what, they will follow each other, even if it leads into death .. like the mythical lemmings who follow each other off a cliff, a group of wildebeests will continue crossing a river in a single file line even if the one right in front of them has just been eaten by a crocodile .. funny enough, the technical term for a group of wildebeests is confusion, as in “look at that confusion of wildebeests get eaten by the same crocodile ..! ”
baboons are a highly corrupt species that tends to congregate in large tribes .. the chief of a baboon clan expects his subordinates to do favors for him and bring him special gifts .. the cronies who please him the most are promoted higher up in the tribe and rewarded with special mating privileges … sort of like our system of government.
then there is kudu, a type of antelope whose males have long, spiraled horns and they’re also incredibly aggressive with one another .. when male kudu fight, they lock horns … and once locked, they are stuck .. they can’t unlock their horns .. so typically they just starve to death from their own aggression ..
it is amazing to see so many of the same traits in animals that our own species display – self-destructive aggression, corruption, herd mentality .. but the one thing that i find most impressive is how animals detect and deal with risk .. watching animals around a watering hole on a hot day, you’ll see several species congregating together peacefully .. then, all of a sudden, they notice something .. perhaps a peculiar smell, a noise … something that just feels wrong .. often times they are right, and there is a predator lurking nearby just waiting to slaughter one of the animals who’s not paying attention .. the ones who pay attention to their instincts and take action are the ones who survive, and pass on their acute sense of danger to the next generation.
humans have the same ability .. we might not be hanging around any watering holes anymore, maybe a close thing would be a water cooler in offices, but our species possess a highly refined sense of danger that was passed down from our primal ancestors .. these instincts may have been tugging at you for a long time .. of course, our dangers are different .. our predators are not lions, but colossal debts, menacing politicians, incompetent bureaucracies, fiat currency, central bankers, mountains of regulations, endless wars, etc.
the problem with humans, however, is that we have too many bad influences that compel us to ignore our instincts .. we are bombarded with experts, politicians, and entire media establishments who tell us that our instincts are wrong, and that everything is fine .. just like animals in the wild; however, this is a dangerous approach as we start believing on so called “experts” & relying on others’ instincts, while ignoring our own.